


Every person who prepares is one less person who panics in a crisis



Trial Evacuations

Buildings that hold an approved Fire Evacuation Scheme are required to conduct 6-monthly trial evacuations or 6-monthy training program as per the Fire and Emergency New Zealand, Fire and Evacuation of Buildings Act & Reg 2018. Call us today to discuss your requirements.

Fire Evacuation Schemes & Evacuation plans

Does your building have an Evacuation Procedure or Fire Evacuation scheme in place?

Our consultants are experts at obtaining approved evacuations and will ensure building owners meet their obligations under the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018.

Fire Training

FSN offers various training courses for workplaces of all sizes. These courses can be tailored to suit individual workplace situations, and are delivered using current technology and environmentally safe practical techniques and equipment.

We service nationwide call us on: 03 3592111 or fill in the form below and one of our consultants will contact you

Evacuation Chairs

FSN are proud suppliers of the Exitmaster range of Market-Leading evacuation chairs manufactured in Great Britain.  Quick and easy to use, proven evacuation chairs for every evacuation scenario, the ExitMaster chairs are all manufactured and tested to the highest standards and are comprehensively warranted and CE compliant. FSN supply, install, provide training & servicing for the Exitmaster chair range.  


Find out more
www fsn exit chair 2