Plan, prepare, prevent a fire disaster at your workplace

FSN certified evacuation consultants can assist with obtaining an approved fire evacuation scheme compliant with the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018.

Our consultants will conduct a site inspection to obtain the information required to put together an evacuation scheme. This will include a review of any current evacuation procedures, evacuation diagrams, procedures for persons requiring assistance and designated assembly area(s).

FSN work with the client to produce a draft evacuation scheme that is then submitted to Fire and Emergency (FENZ) for approval. Our consultants have over 20 years combined experience in working with FENZ to obtain scheme approval.

Once an evacuation scheme is approved our consultant will implement the scheme by conducting Fire Warden training with the buildings appointed Wardens. This will include the buildings first Trial Evacuation. Any signage and equipment will be installed at this stage. This may include evacuation chairs depending on the type of building. Full training will be given by our consultants who are certified by the manufacturer for Exitmaster Evacuation Chairs. Fire extinguisher training may be provided if required.

To ensure a fire evacuation plan/ scheme remains compliant, the owner of the building is required to maintain the scheme by running six-monthly fire evacuation drills or six-monthly fire warden training program. FSN are specialists in providing maintenance services to ensure our clients legal obligations are met.

If your building already has an approved evacuation scheme and you would like an update or a review, our consultants can provide an audit of your current evacuation plan/procedures and complete a fire risk assessment with recommendations to ensure your building and occupants are prepared in the event of a fire emergency.



Do I need an evacuation scheme?

Fire Safety legislation NZ


Other Services

Evacuation Chair

Trial Evacuations

Fire Training