Trial Evacuations

Buildings with Fire Evacuation Schemes in place, must be maintained in accordance with Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018.

Trial evacuations or 6 monthly training programs must be carried out at least every six months unless otherwise approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ). Where a shorter period is nominated as part of your application that becomes the frequency at which you must legally carry out trial evacuations.

By developing fire evacuation and safety procedures specific to your building layout, size and type, Fire Safety Net (FSN) can provide evacuation procedures for the systematic and orderly evacuation of the building in the event of a fire emergency, by the nearest safe means of exit, in the least possible time.

FSN liaise with occupants/tenants to ensure that Wardens are appointed throughout the building and are trained to be fully acquainted with their duties in fire safety and evacuation. After each trial evacuation our consultant will hold a debrief/meeting to provide an evaluation.
Fire drills/ Trial Evacuations are then entered to the FSN online web portal and distributed to Fire and Emergency, the property owner/manager & the buildings Fire Wardens.

The evacuation procedures (manual) is readily available to the buildings occupants, and they are made aware of the fire evacuation instructions during induction to the building, following any review, and during any applicable annual training.

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Evacuation Chair

Fire Evacuation Schemes & Evacuation plans

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